Archpriest Marc-Antoine COSTA DE BEAUREGARD - The Person of Jesus Christ in Father Stăniloaeʼs Theology. The Reading of the St Maximusʼ Theological Heritage Today
Archpriest Marc-Antoine COSTA DE BEAUREGARD*
Romanian Orthodox Metropolis of Western Europe
In this study, we would first like to show the nature of the pneumatic relationship of the Romanian disciple, the great Father Dumitru Stăniloae to the Greek master, Saint Maximus the Confessor; then, we would take as an example the theme of the transfiguration of suffering by the Incarnate Word; finally, it seems interesting to me to look into some aspects of the ascetic theology of Saint Maximus that the Romanian theologian underlines.
Dumitru Stăniloae, St. Maximus the Confessor, the Logos, noûs, hypostasis.
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- Costa de Beauregard, Marc-Antoine. 1983. Dumitru Stăniloae, ose comprendre que je tʼaime. Paris: Le Cerf.
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- Stăniloae, Dumitru. 1996-1997. Teologia Dogmatică Ortodoxă (Orthodox Dogmatic Theology). Vol. I-III. Ediţia a II-a. Bucureşti: Editura Institutului Biblic și de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Române.
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