Matei Alex - Contributions to the knowledge of the decree 8570/1860 and the abolition of some hermitages, in 1860, from Moldova*
Alexandru-Gheorghe MATEI**
PhD Candidate “Dumitru Stăniloae” Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania
The issue of the secularization of monastic assets or their transfer to the ownership and administration of the young State was a topic of great interest to the society of those times and later to historians. However, regarding the non-dedicated Romanian monasteries, many episodes and aspects were overlooked, such as the decree of the abolition of many hermitages and the transfer of their wealth to the management of the State, which was an interference with important consequences in the life of the Church. This study attempts to provide brief, unpublished catagraphic descriptions of some of these monastic settlements as part of a process of secularization that is still insufficiently understood today.
secularization, decree 8570, hermitage, monastic fortunes, estate, Commission
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