Mircea L - The Revival of the Exegetical Sermon, based on the Inspired Features of Holy Scriptures*
Laurean MIRCEA**
PhD Student Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj, Romania
Being one of the two ways by which Divine Revelation is transmitted, the Bible holds the indisputable primacy in the life of the Church, at least according to theory. The words of God to mankind, written in different times by different authors, dealing with different themes and problems, contains entirely what our Heavenly Father has to convey to the world today (Curtaz 1993, 28-29). Noticing this antinomy, Saint Paul the Apostle conditioned the act of preaching on the study of the Scriptures (1 Timothy 4, 13; Titus 1, 9). Despite such tremendous efforts, nowadays, two millennia after his resounding conversions, we must acknowledge that the confidence of clergymen and the faithful in the authority and validity of evangelical principles is somewhat lower. The present paper aims bringing to your attention the reasoning for which the sixty nine books of the Old and the New Covenant make up together the Book of Books par excellence and for which the foundation of Orthodox sermon will always be the Holy Scriptures.
sermon, exegetical homily, expository preaching, Holy Scriptures, Bible
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