Nassif Bassam - Marriage in the Eschatological Perspective: Implications on Gender and Marital Intimacy
Bassam NASSIF*
Fr. PhD, DMin Saint John of Damascus Institute of Theology University of Balamand, Lebanon
This research revisits the patristic views on the Divine economy for marriage and the human body in both the protological and the eschatological settings. It analyzes Saint John Chrysostom’s views on marriage and the body, and the implications of Saint Maximus the Confessor’s eschatological perspectives on gender. It studies how these views and perspectives are applied in Christian living throughout the centuries. To show this, it looks into the lives of several Christians who are living prototypes of this Christian eschatological vision of the body and marriage. While leaving in Christ, these saintly models have reflected the beauty of God’s image in both male and female, whether in marriage or in celibacy. In conclusion, the research upholds that the power of the Holy Spirit working synergically with humanity transfigures both man and woman without losing their natural gender identity, and renders them earthly angels, while opening the way towards the mystical marriage with Christ
Orthodox Church, Anthropology, Gender, Marriage, John Chrysostom, Maximus the Confessor, Eschatology, Body, Soul
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