Dobrei F - Studies and Articles of Biblical Theology of the New Testament in the review “Altarul / Mitropolia Banatului” [“The Shrine of Banat” / “The Metropolitan see of Banat”] (1944-1947; 1951-2021)
Florin DOBREI*
Rev. Prof. PhD “Ilarion V. Felea” Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Romania
In the middle of the 20th century, in Caransebeş, the foundations of an ecclesiastical publication of a high academic standing were laid: “Altarul Banatului” [“The Shrine of Banat”] (later renamed, in Timişoara, “Mitropolia Banatului” [“The Metropolitan See of Banat”]). Due to its content, the elegance of its ideas as well as its high standards, it soon compelled recognition among Romanian cultural-theological publications. During about seven decades of quasi-continuous publication, more than 200 studies, articles, commentaries and translations from the field of Biblical Theology were published in the pages of this valuable Orthodox publication; half of them refer to the New Testament. They are all particularly important and therefore, contribute to the Romanian and universal Christian Theology and spirituality by completing and enriching them.
Caransebeş, Timişoara, the journal “Altarul / Mitropolia Banatului” [“The Shrine of Banat” / “The Metropolitan See of Banat”], New Testament, Romanian Theology
- Archives of Caransebeş Diocese. 1948. IV/20, no. 335, f. 1.
- Carebia, Florin. 2002 „Presa bisericească bănăţeană în trecut şi astăzi”. In: Altarul Banatului, 13 (52), no. 7-9, 180.
- Dobrei, Florin. 2013. Revista “Altarul (Mitropolia) Banatului” – repere monografice. Cluj-Napoca / Timişoara.
- Dobrei, Florin. 2021. “Studies and articles of Biblical Theology of the Old Testament in the review «Altarul / Mitropolia Banatului» [«The Shrine of Banat» / «The Metropolitan See of Banat»] (1944-1947; 1951-2020)”. In: Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii «Alexandru Ioan Cuza» din Iaşi. Teologie Ortodoxă, Iaşi, XXVI, no. 1, 109-110.
- Foaia Arhidiecezană. 1949. Series II, LXIV, no. 1, 1.
- Suciu, I. D. 1977. Monografia Mitropoliei Banatului. Timişoara.