Ilie MELNICIUC-PUICĂ - The Message of John the Forerunner in the Gospel of Luke


Rev. Associate Prof. PhD. Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA


John the Baptist is described in the Gospel of Luke in unprecedented ways. His prophetic mandate, as Forerunner, written in the text of the prophecy of Isaiah 40, is presented first in Luke’s Gospel chapter three. After this introductory phase, the warning of his message in chapter three is directed from the tax collectors, soldiers and Pharisees, with the purpose of producing fruitful wages of repentance. The biblical text is developed with St. Ambrose patristic commentary from Expositio Evangilii secundum Lucam. The pedagogical manner of John’s message is evident in Luke’s Gospel, rather Matthew or Mark where is emphasized the imminent vengeance of God above sinners.


John Baptist, worship, St. Ambrose, soldiers, tax collectors


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