Carmen-Gabriela LĂZĂREANU - Parents’ Legal Obligations towards Their Children before Leaving to Work Abroad
Carmen-Gabriela LĂZĂREANU
Associate Prof. PhD. Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
This article tries to underline the importance of parents’ awareness regarding their role within child protection during the time when they are physically absent from their children’s lives. This new type of “cross-border” families, as Segalen called them, determines problems that can be avoided or diminished if legal indications are obeyed. Checking the legal guardians and the parents in charge of a child is the improvement of the law adopted in view of a better monitoring of the child while the parents are working abroad, a period which should be no longer than a year
extended family, legal guardian, checking legal parents, care, entrusting
- www.creează.comlegislație/demografie/Migrația-si-consecintele-sale257.phfs.
-țiinformati-copii-protejati-salvati-copiii-vine in – sprijinul-parintilor –plecati/
- -plecati-la munca-in - strainatate-sunt-verificati-periodic-de-autoritati/.