Georgeta M. DOMINTE, Stelian ONICA, Bogdan COJOCEA, Marina VRACIU - Recollection And Reconsideration (I)
Georgeta M. DOMINTE
Assoc. Prof. PhD.
Stelian ONICA
Lect. PhD. .
AAssist. PhD. Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Department of Slavic Studies, Faculty of Letters, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
Each period of time has its own achievements. The feeling of heritage develops over a person’s whole life by positive examples, a proper relating to history and accummulation of knowledge. In the Centennial year of Romania’s unification, recollection seems the more helpful for a deeper understanding of the need for continuity and for conveying what has been conserved in time; by so do in present achievements are informed with the vivid available past ones. In a world of an increasing influence of images, the individual stays under their tacit support for one’s wish for the new. The Word remains the basic vector of communication. Written passages act as empowering repositories of cultural heritage recollection and reconsideration; either subtle or more energetic, they express an urge to maintain heritage values such as the Christian faith, Christian-Orthodox tradition, love for one’s homeland and people. The authors have selected some examples of memorable passages which include or imply, by their wide reference, an understanding of local artistic expression of sacred artistic. Second, the idea of creating a small collection of artworks and images as part of our educational 25-year work with the cultural-heritage students from the secion of Sacred Art of the Faculty of Christian-Orthodox Theology in Iasi, meets the requirement for significant aspects to be be conserved. The students’ artworks may contribute to present and future directions in heritage and material preservation; in time, as they become history too, they will remind of some determinatio, direction and expand their creative artistic meaning and the work of cultural conservation-restauration. Generalization and relationship work together to create, in varying degrees of subtlety, the path of heritage protection; works in one’s homeland represent a special prioritys and require cooperation.
Romanian Unification; models; Cultural Heritage, Sacred Art, collection
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