Carmen Livia TUDOR - Famous Scholars in the Middle of the Eighteenth Century During the Time of the Metropolitan of Moldavia, St. Iacob Putneanul

Carmen Livia TUDOR

Assist. PhD. Faculty of Letters, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, ROMANIA


An important personality of the spiritual and cultural life of Moldavia in the second half of the eighteenth century was, undoubtedly, the Metropolitan Iacob Putneanul, past, following the decisions of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, among the saints of the Romanian nation. Even though Metropolitan Iacob Putneanul’s pasture lasted no more than ten years at the Moldavian Metropolitan Church (1750 – 1760), this is a remarkable period for the history of Romanian culture, when several books of worship and teaching have seen the light of the printing. In the same period of time, at his request, some important texts from Greek and Slavonic were translated, some of them remaining in the form of a manuscript. In order to carry out the necessary translation and printing work, Metropolitan Iacob Putneanul appointed round him experienced scholars, perhaps more or less known in the present day, reminding in the present study of some of the most important ones: the Greek typographer Duca Sotiriovici, hieromonk Cozma Vlahul, teacher Evloghie, hieromonk Nathanail and, last but not least, the Archimandrite of Putna, Vartolomei Mӑzӑreanu, to whom the last part of the present study is reserved.


Metropolitan of Moldavia, metropolitan, cultural activity, typography, scholar, translation, printing, manuscript


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