Emilian-Iustinian ROMAN - Rev. Prof. Dr. Nicolae Popovici, Translator and Continuator of the Canonical Tradition
Emilian-Iustinian ROMAN
Rev. Lect. PhD. Faculty of Orthodox Theology Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
The study highlights the personality and the legacy of the canonical scientific work of Rev. Prof. Dr. Nicolae Popovici, the outcomes of the teaching activities he carried out at the Theological Institute / Academy (nowadays) of Arad, at “Ilarion V. Felea” Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad. The second part of the study sets out to analyze the term holy canons in the context of canonical tradition, concluding that we can state that, just as the laws of a state are binding for the citizens of that state, so are the canons and the current church law for its faithful as they mirror the practical way in which the problems of the Church were solved pastorally.
canon, canonical tradition, translation
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