Hrisostom CIUCIU - Μορφή Θεού (Php 2, 6) and μορφή δούλου (Php 2, 7) – an Orthodox Exegesis
Hrisostom CIUCIU
Protos. PhD Facultatea de Teologie Ortodoxă „Justinian Patriarhul” Universitatea din București, ROMÂNIA
The present article aims two major goals. Firstly, this paper will mainly cover the issue of the term μορφή (Php 2, 6-7), a term with decisive importance in the understanding of the fragment Php 2, 5-11, known under the name of the Christological Hymn (or Carmen Christi). Secondly, this academic endeavor tries to propose an exegetic methodology specific to the orthodox space that doesn't yet suggest, within modern exegesis, any well-defined approach method. Our endeavor starts from the lack of such presentation in specialized articles from our country, but also from the need to present the Orthodox point of view along with the Western one. This term will be analyzed in the two phrases used in the hymn, ‘μορφή Θεού’ (Php 2, 6) and ‘μορφή δούλου’ (Php 2, 7). We thus suggest the use of a methodology that combines the historical-critical method with the resort to the Holy Fathers’ theology.
μορφή, morphe, Carmen Christi, Php 2, 5-11, Php 2, 6, Php 2, 7, Orthodox exegesis
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