Ion VICOVAN - Father Miron Mihăilescu (1914-1998). Biographical and Spiritual Considerations
Rev. Prof. PhD Faculty of Orthodox Theology Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
In this study, we aim to outline one of the great personalities of the Romanian clergy, Fr. Miron Mihăilescu, considering him a model for the Theology professors and teachers, for students, and, especially, for priests. After a few biographical remarks, we highlight some of his qualities as well as a series of teachings and remarks on various issues such as the priest’s duty, the purpose of Theology, assuming the Cross, the meanings of fasting, marriage, the value of confession, God's love for us and our answer, the need for Holy Communion or the relationship between parents and children.
Romanian clergy, Miron Mihăilescu, priesthood, love, faith, Holy Communion
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