Dan SANDU - The Theology of Matter – A Matter of Orthodox Theology. Marginal Contributions of Fr. Dumitru Staniloae
Rev. Associate Prof. PhD Faculty of Orthodox Theology Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
The Orthodox theology, in the context of the twenty first century, is being challenged to address themes such as eco-theology, the Christian view of nature and matter in general, the problem of local resources, trade, economic greed, rapid secularization, local community and identity, Church and social welfare, and Church and state relationship. They need to be articulated with the dogmas of the traditional Orthodoxy, one of its well known peculiarities, i.e. fidelity to the primitive church teaching. These, and many others, were themes that theology was not supposed to tackle before 1989, as the Church was expected to care for spiritual subjects alone. However, Fr. Dumitru Stăniloae implicitly addressed them by shedding a patristic and a dogmatic light on the concept of matter as subject of transfiguration through the Church’s theology and liturgy. We will first explore the prophetic vision of the Romanian theologian on matter which matters. We will then unfold notions such as holiness, generosity, harmony, communion, philanthropy, and sharing, which tend to lose their meaning in a society that is oriented towards economic profit, consumerism and individualistic behaviour.
Creation, nature, Orthodox theology, Romanian theologians, Staniloae, ecology, liturgy, likeness, deification
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