Adrian Sorin MIHALACHE - The Experience of Compassion – Possible Long-term Changes in Cortex Areas. A Few Recent Findings in the Field of Neurosciences
Adrian Sorin MIHALACHE
Deacon Lect. PhD Faculty of Orthodox Theology Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
This paper addresses some of the findings of recent neuroscience research regarding the compassion and relevance of the topic to the area of the dialogue between Orthodox theology and behavioral sciences. We began with some considerations regarding neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, results that have changed the medical paradigm of a person’s life, highlighting the transforming potential of everyday practices and cultural experiences, the connection between culture and the brain, intensely explored today, the experiences of conscious efforts, in the spiritual plane, but also in the wider sphere of life. Short distinctions are made between empathy and compassion, based on neuroscientific explorations, while an inventory of cortical and subcortical areas proves to play an important role in compassion. The second part of the study presents several results regarding the effects of compassion in the field of human life, emotionally, cognitively, medically and professionally, as well as in the wider sphere of social life. Finally, we outlined some possibilities for cultivating compassion as well as some aspects regarding the potential of this topic for dialogue with Christian spirituality.
compassion, empathy, the neurosciences of compassion, Christian spirituality
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