Gabriela LĂZĂREANU - Philanthropy in the Orthodox Church is the Basic Foundation of Social Assistance
Assoc. Prof. PhD Faculty of Orthodox Theology Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
The paper entitled “Philanthropy in the Orthodox Church is the basic foundation of social assistance” seeks to emphasize the importance of philanthropy that underlies the establishment of social assistance. The first Christian centuries laid the foundations of social assistance, which was later institutionalized and transformed social assistance provided by Christians and non-Christians sporadically into constant assistance, provided to people in need. Christian help is one of the most important forms of love shown to one's neighbor and is a fundamental divine principle of the New Testament Law. The New Testament presents the activity of the Savior which includes many good works in the form of miraculous healings, the multiplication of the loaves and fishes, the transformation of wine and even the resurrection from the dead miracles granted to the poor, children, widows and the elderly. He healed all kinds of sick people, doing good to all who had the joy of knowing Him. The miracles wrought by the Savior consisted of wonderful healings “and the news of Him went through all Syria, and they brought to Him all who were suffering, being afflicted with all manner of sicknesses and torments, the demon-possessed, the lunatics, the be weak, and He will heal them” (Pătuleanu 2010: 5). Through these deeds, the Savior Jesus Christ taught us that philanthropy must not remain a simple philosophical concept, but must be converted into deed, into a beneficent action of all that is human suffering.
sick, miracles, philanthropy, Christian help, human suffering
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