Gabriel-Viorel GÂRDAN - Pastoral Reflections - The Revelation of the Meaning of Suffering and the Preparation for Eternal life
Gabriel-Viorel GÂRDAN
Rev. Associate Prof. habil. PhD Faculty of Orthodox Theology Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
The pastoral care for the elderly is one aspect of the missionary activity in which the priest is not allowed to have hesitations. His presence is eagerly awaited for, his intervention that springs from love must be comforting and hope giving. Together with the elderly, he must decipher the mystery of suffering, bring Christ into the soul of the lonely, develop the awareness of the ephemeral, a state of continual awakening and expectation of the heavenly Groom. Reconciliation with one’s self, with people and with God, through confession and communion, strengthening communion, increasing love and peace are part of man's spiritual preparation to experience a different kind of knowledge of the world and of himself, but especially of God. Even if the priest cannot always heal, he can, in any circumstance, take care of and envelop each of his fellows in the garment of love and forgiveness. In this context, we intended to draw attention to some particularities of the pastoral care for the elderly, an activity that always places us in the position of providing direct, uplifting, enlightening and reassuring answers to fundamental questions of the spiritual life. In the first part of this research paper, we shall formulate some general considerations regarding the pastoral care for the elderly, while in the second part we shall discuss two important aspects of their pastoral care: the revelation of the meaning of suffering and the preparation for eternal life, both ways of responding to the emotional burden and to the spiritual turmoil of many elderly people. This emotional burden of old age and the spiritual uncertainties that the prospect of illness, suffering and end of the life generate often escape the attention and, implicitly, the pastoral care of the priest while also making the elderly difficult to be understood by those close to him. On the other hand, the emotional support and peace of mind provided by the discovery of the meaning of life and death, of the liberating suffering and the hope of meeting God and communion with the righteous, are invaluable gifts that the priest can offer to the elderly.
care, the elderly, pastoral, suffering, eternal life, emotional support, peace of mind
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