Florin Ioan AVRAM - The multivalence of the term “canon” and its importance today
Florin Ioan AVRAM
PhD Candidate “Ilarion V. Felea” Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Romania
From a canonical perspective, the Orthodox Church defines itself as a communion of the Autocephalous Churches, which have the duty to preserve the liturgical, doctrinal and canonical unity with all members of the Orthodox Churches spread throughout this earth. This conservation and preservation of the unity of the faith can be materialized by observing the canonical norms, called Holy Canons. Therefore, it is of colossal importance to define the term “canon”, its origin, role and purpose from the first Christian centuries to the present. The distorted understanding of this word can lead to a misperception of what the Church represents in secularized, autonomous and individualistic society. Contemporaneity, in a way, obliges us who are involved in the study and experience of theology, to offer the most pertinent, clear and concrete answers about God, world, man, cosmos, etc. The personal, community and social life has as prototype the Incarnate Logos. In the study I will present I will show other valences of the word “canon”, so that the main goal is to discover the true meanings of the term “canon” and, at the same time, their relevance in the daily life of contemporary man. As conclusions of this study, I think the most important thing is to be aware that the canon does not mean a punishment that the penitent receives at the Sacrament of Holy Confession. Because this term often refers to the same time, this connotation is received by people. In conducting this study, we used the historical method. This term has a much greater meaning that leads to the spiritual life. In the study I will undertake I will try to show how important it is to find other meanings of this word.
Church, clergyman, synod, sacramental life mystery, norm
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