Emanuel BUTA - When Does Human Life Begins and What Are the Spiritual Implications of Answering this Question

Emanuel BUTA

PhD Candidate “Dumitru Stăniloae” Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania


In this article, we will present some theological and medical considerations regarding the moment when human life begins, analysing in parallel some arguments that come to distract this debate. From a medical point of view, there is the biologists’ consensus on when human life begins, a consensus that does not concern the sphere of subjective opinions, but of scientific evidence. In addition to this, the spiritual level has many implications when answering the question “When does human life begin?” which is often distorted. The debate on this subject should not be overshadowed by other global problems but, on the contrary, should be in our attention because it concerns the beginning of the life of each of us and our concern for future generations


human life, biologists' consensus, distorted arguments, spiritual implications


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