Viorel-Vasile FLOREA - The Pastorality of Intellectors
Viorel-Vasile FLOREA
PhD Candidate „Dumitru Stăniloae” Faculty of Orthodox Theology, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania
The subject of this present paper is relevant since it attempts to highlight the answer of the Church to the numerous and more and more postmodernist challenges, complex and tragic through its desperate effort to limit its own disintegration, but also as a stage in a metaphorical redefinition which is sometimes beyond the scope of regular human knowledge. History reveals itself out of the mystery of the error into the revelation of the truth. If the first only demands some kind of intellectual enlightenment, the second one asks for a qewr…a, therefore a contemplative function of this. It is now that man, through his egotistic manifestations – cogito and dubito – re-creates this world. The centre of the world not being God this time, but the ego, the universe becomes a solipsistic one. Otherwise, both the modality, and the natural stages implied by the axiology of self- expression of the symbols through which man synthesized the face of the Divinity, remain an approach led by the will of wording the positive meaning of a special relationship with God.
knowledge, mission, postmodernism, Church Fathers, Priest
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