Iulian Mihai CONSTANTINESCU - A Liturgical-Canonical Problem in the Romanian Orthodox Church - Supplementing the Holy Eucharist with Non-Consecrated Wine
PhD Associate Professor Faculty of Orthodox Theology University of Craiova
This study was written following the decision of the Permanence of the Eparchial Council of the Archbishopric of Craiova to submit a report that would bring light to an existing case in the Archbishopric. I must mention that I will not make a decision on this case, as I am not a competent ecclesiastical authority, neither individual, nor collegial, but without making a decision (as it was mentioned in the address received from the Archbishopric) or pronouncing sentences or proposing juridical or canonical solutions for the case, for me this case represented a simple cause over which I was called to make a juridical-canonical expertise, based on the respective data. I did not take into account the names of the persons, according to the professional deontology and to my personal desire of objectivity and according to the exactness required in such a delicate situation. Therefore, in the present study I expanded upon the canonical tradition and the current ecclesiastical legislation in the Romanian Orthodox Church, concerning the matter of the Holy Sacrament of Eucharist. Briefly said, the officiating priest, being negligent, added nonconsecrated wine to the Holy Chalice, because the Holy Blood was fully consumed during the Communion, and continued to administer the Eucharist to the faithful.
Holy Eucharist, The Matter, Non-Consecrated Wine, Holy Blood, Canonical Regulations
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