Saint Paisius Velichkovsky and Elder Paisius of Sihla, the Confessor: spiritual guidance for the young
Adrian Lucian DINU*
Fr. Assist. Prof. PhD “Dumitru Stăniloae” Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania
The topic that I approach in this study is part of the current and immediate theological preparation by relating to the saints and through holiness understood as participation at the Person of Christ Our Saviour. Here one can find particularly important aspects for highlighting the spiritual life of the past and of today, together with questions and answers that may clarify, at least in part, what exactly the personality of the great hegumen from Neamt Monastery, St. Paisius of Neamtu (1722-1794) and of the “Confessor of the Romanians” Archimandrite Paisius Olaru (1897-1990) represented for the life of the Church and for the people of faith.
Church, saint, spiritual father, disciple, spiritual formation.
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