Włodzimierz WOŁOSIUK - Pythagorean and Platonic ideological premises in the initial phase of the Byzantine religious music (Byzantine chorale) development

Włodzimierz WOŁOSIUK*

Department of Orthodox Practical Christian Theology in the Theological Academy in Warsaw, Poland


This article above, closely related to the Author's personal fascination, referring to the issue of the ancient Greek philosophers influence on the quality of the Byzantine chorale emergence and development, notices this influence not only in the content, but also in the forms of the discussed music. These influences could be described by their complementary character: the "mathematical" Pythagoras vision seems to be supplemented by the "humanistic" Plato one, which allows at the same time to isolate its anthropological, essential in the Byzantine Liturgy dimension. The both philosophers’ point of view permits also to present the Byzantine Liturgy in its aesthetic aspect, despite the lack of unambiguous opinions concerning this problem.


aesthetics, music, singing, worship, history


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