Daher J - Freedom in Truth and Love. A Biblical Message of Salvation to a Fallen World
Jerome DAHER*
Prof. PhD Notre Dame University – Louize (Lebaon)
The exaltation of freedom, by the post-modern society, as man’s absolute good based on the supremacy of will over reason led to the negation of any transcendent truth and objective good. The consequences of such direction on human behavior are disastrous. The paper will explicit the Christian understanding of human freedom as a mean to human perfection and divinization by placing it in relation to divine freedom which is necessarily concomitant to and a consequence of divine intelligence and goodness. The definition of human freedom will be drawn from the word of God: its relation to intelligence, goodness and sacrifice in the Trinitarian communion and the act of creation; its relation to image and likeness in the making of Adam; its relation to alterity and love in the extraction of Eve; its relation to obedience and its loss in the fall; its relation to liberation and responsibility in exodus; and, finally, its relation to redemption and perfection in Jesus Christ.
image, likeness, freedom, truth, love
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