Alexandrel BARNEA - Rhythmical-Melodic Structures in the Stichera for Easter by Visarion the Hieromonk

Alexandrel BARNEA

Rev. Lect. PhD. Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA


Visarion the Protopsalt was one of the representative voices in the early days of the transcription of the notation from kukuzelian into Chrysantic. Being one of the outstanding personalities of the musical school from Neamţ Monastery, his work consisted not only in transcriptions, but also in beautiful compositions. The stichera of the Resurrection of Christ present inspired structures both from a rhythmical and melodic point of view, which sketch the Romanian style impressed on the Byzantine tradition we inherited.


Visarion the Protopsalt, church music of Byzantine tradition, rhythm, monody


  • Augustin Arhimandritul; Gherasim, Starețul. Istoria pentru Sfânta Mănăstire a Neamțului, f. 173v -174r . Library of Neamţ Monastery, Ms. 154.
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  • Ionescu, Gheorghe C. 1994. Lexicon al celor care de-a lungul veacurilor s-au ocupat cu muzica de tradiţie bizantină în România. Bucureşti: Editura Diogene.
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