Daniel NIŢĂ-DANIELESCU - Some Thoughts on the Dyptich of Two Churches from Iasi from the 17th century - St. John Chrysostomos (Zlataust) and the White Church (The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple or Stratenia)
Rev. Lect. PhD. Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
The analysis of the texts of dyptichs from two churches in Iaşi dating from the second half of the 17th century, St. John Chrysostomos (Zlataust) and the White Church (whose feast day is the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple or Stratenia), both (re)built by the princely family, during Gheorghe Duca’s third rule in Moldavia (1678-1683), confirms and gives a more refined expression of data on the members of the princely family and of the significance of their initiative, and it contributes to the more precise picture of the features of an age of grand Romanian cultural projects.
Church, dyptich, Zlataust, the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple, Iaşi, Duca
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