Carmen-Gabriela LĂZĂREANU - Migration and its Social Implications
Carmen-Gabriela LĂZĂREANU
Associate Prof. PhD. Faculty of Orthodox Theology Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
The article underlines the phenomenon of migration trying to explain the causes and effects that are generated by it. Migration is present even from the beginnings of humanity and it is also mentioned in the Bible sometimes influencing the demography of the countries in which it is produced. The causes differ from one people to the other or from one historical period to the other. Today migration affects the population of our country both from an economic and social point of view. The most powerful effects have repercussions on the families with children who frequently remain without any adult supervision while the parents are away to work abroad. The statistics from various organizations recorded alarming numbers determining the intervention of the decision factors in order to ameliorate and prevent this phenomenon.
migration, home alone children, legal guardian, emigrant, immigrant
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