Mina MOŞNEAGU - The Church “St. John of Suceava – Nicoriţă” (Iași, Romania) history and iconography


Lect. PhD Faculty of Orthodox Theology Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA


Among the historical-monument churches of the city of Iași, the Nicorita church occupies the fourth oldest place in terms of building period (1626-1629) and is the oldest church with an open porch and bell-tower above it. Formerly a monastery in the old forest on the outskirts of the city, the current secular church in the Tătărași neighborhood, the church still preserves objects and inscriptions from the end of the 18th century, objects that come from both Moldavia and Transylvania. An important number of inscriptions and manuscripts are preserved on the iconostasis. The latter, together with the icons in the church's collection, reflect aspects of Moldavian iconography from different historical styles and periods: post-Byzantine at the end of the 18th century, the period of transition to realism from the beginning of the 19th century..


church, historical monument, iconography, iconostasis, Iasi


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