Petru SOFRAGIU - The menologe in the painting of the pronaos from the church of Dečani monastery (Serbia)


Assist. Prof. PhD Faculty of Orthodox Theology Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA


This article is a description of the main themes of narthex decoration from one of the most known monuments of the medieval Serbia, Dečani located in the region of Metohija, which preserves Byzantine art from XIVth century during the reign of Serbian King Stefan Dečanski. I have examined the architectural features of the Raška style and provided an iconographic analysis of the menologe theme of narthex frescoes. Also I have pointed out stylistic elements of compositions, the theological significance and I have brought into the limelight the peculiarities and similarities with other monuments from Atonite and Moldavian churches that have been decorated after this period in Byzantine heritage


narthex, menolog, aghiografia, Raška, Dečani


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