Vasile-Doru FER - The Relevance of the Apostolic Synod of Jerusalem Regarding the Spreading of the Teaching of Christ to the Gentiles
Vasile-Doru FER
Rev. Lect. PhD. Faculty of Orthodox Theology „Episcop Dr. Vasile Coman” University of Oradea, ROMANIA
The present study addresses a theme of interest not only for the new testamentary theology, but also for other related theological disciplines. In the present study, we will focus mainly on an exegetical research, but we will not ignore the information coming from the historical branch, given the context in which the Apostolic Synod of Jerusalem took place. The story of the first Synod in the history of the Christian Church is made exhaustively by the Holy Evangelist Luke in his book, The Acts of the Holy Apostles, in chapter 15, 1-35, but references to this major event in the life of the Primary Church will also make one of actively involved in the works of the synod, namely, the Apostle Paul, in the Epistle to Galatians 2, 1-10. In the isagogical part of this study, we briefly presented the work of the Holy Apostles to preach the Gospel to all nations according to the commandment of the Savior Jesus Christ (Mt. 28,19), then to make known the motivation and necessity of convening the Apostolic Synod of Jerusalem. In the steps taken, the presentation of the pleadings in the proceedings of the Synod, the analysis and the finality of the debates, was the focus of my concerns, finally pointing out that the Apostolic Synod of Jerusalem decided that the Mosaic Law would not apply to the Gentile Christians to any person who wants to adhere to the faith in Christ, while affirming Christian freedom to the Mosaic Law.
Relevance, Synod, Christianity, Judaism, propagation, missionary
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