Emilian-Iustinian ROMAN - Legislative and canonical challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic
Emilian-Iustinian ROMAN
Rev. Lect. PhD Faculty of Orthodox Theology Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, ROMANIA
In the present study, we aim at a relevant and concise analysis of the phrase “the right to the freedom of religion”, approached as legislative challenge while also dealing with a ritual aspect, namely offering the holy communion within the Holy and Divine Liturgy with the same spoon, approached as a theological and canonical challenge alike, the effects of the implementation of the provisions contained in the Military Ordinances, that is Ordinance no. 1 of March 17, 2020, regarding some first emergency measures regarding gatherings and the cross-border movement of goods and Ordinance no. 2 of March 21, 2020 on measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19
pandemic, COVID-19, civil legislation, church legislation, human rights, freedom of religious belief
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