Cristian PRUNĂ - Anatema as the Disciplinary Measure in New Testament Writings
Cristian PRUNĂ
PhD Candidate “Ilarion V. Felea” Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Romania
Anathema in New Testament[1]. From Holy Scripture we learn that it is unnatural that out of the same mouth come blessing and curse (Iacov 3:10). Tradition and history, however, bear witness to the fact that cursing has been one of the forms of manifestation of ecclesiastical authority since the earliest Christian ages. The worst punishment the Church can give is anathema. It involves excommunication, cursing, damnation and is the religious act by which the Church removes from its ranks those who are guilty of serious violations of Christian doctrine and dogma. Exclusion is done for a limited period of time (until the error is corrected and atoned for) or is done forever. It applies to both clerics and lay people. The author wishes to demonstrate in this article the basis for this approach of the Church, which, although extreme, is by no means without scriptural foundation..
discipline, punishment, curse, anathema
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