Casian RUŞEŢ - The contribution of Pedagogue Constantin Diaconovici Loga to the Organization of the Schools within the Military Border. Documentary Testimonies from Caransebeş
Casian RUŞEŢ
PhD. Associate Prof. Archim. “Ilarion V. Felea” Faculty of Orthodox Theology, “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Romania
The contribution of the pedagogue CD Loga to the organization of the schools from the Banat border remains a reference in the Banat area. Its institutional reform, influenced by the progressivism of the Enlightenment period, can be a concrete example for the current educational paradigm. In this context, the documentary evidence highlighted by this contribution opens the perspective of a possible new approach to the organization of education today. Although we refer to events that took place two centuries ago, seen in the context of that time, they still tell us something. Moreover, Loga continues to remain for Banat the exceptional pedagogue and teacher, authentic by his sacrificial character compared to the ideal of education.
C.D. Loga, educator, documentary evidence, school, border, sacrifice, vocation, unity, commemoration, Caransebeș
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