Alin-Florin CIOTEA - The Romanian Orthodox Deanery of Chişinău-Criş (1765-1918). Attestation and evolution
Alin-Florin CIOTEA*
PhD Candidate “Hilarion V. Felea” Faculty of Orthodox Theology, Arad
The Orthodox Romanian deanery of Chişinău-Criş is one of the historic tracts within the Eparchy of Arad. Attested by documents in the second half of the 18th century, for two hundred years it will contribute to the development and good running of church, social and even national-political life. Taking into account the multi-ethnic, multicultural and multi-confessional challenges in these parts of the country we will realize that the effort made in this regard was colossal. Endowed by God, through the diocesan authorities, with capable Archpriests and vocational priests, the Chişinău-Criş Archdiocese will endure the hardships of the times, including after the establishment of the communist regime in Romania. However, shortly after its bicentennial, in 1968 it will be abolished. Thus ends the existence of one of the oldest and most dynamic deaneries that has shaped the history of the Arad's Episcopate for two centuries.
deanery, episcopate, diocese, evolution, parish, headquarters, conscription, dependency, document.
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